Saturday, January 30, 2010

Katherine Maillet

       Kat was on the verge. Her girlfriend of two years had just ejected her from their mutual apartment; she couldn’t move back in with her parents, good God-fearing Christians, because of the aforementioned girlfriend. She would have to pawn all her belongings to afford a hotel room for long enough to find more permanent lodgings. Except Rachelle was holding all of her things hostage; she believed Kat had cheated on her. Kat had been faithful. She was beginning to suspect Rachelle’s paranoia was symptomatic of some undiagnosed mental illness. It would have been a relief to be away from her had it not been for the homelessness.

       Kat had friends, but she loathed to be an imposition. Besides, Rachelle had probably already contacted most of them to air her accusations. After two years, it was difficult to tell their friends apart – though their breakup would be a good Litmus test.

       Rachelle had always been the more charming half of the couple. Kat knew she could be abrasive, but that hadn’t seemed to matter when she had a significant other around. Rachelle was good at maintaining appearances, balancing champagne flutes between her fingers and holding forth on a variety of topics, from Aristotle to the latest episode of American Idol. She was a social chameleon and butterfly. Kat was unable and unwilling to shape-shift to please others; otherwise she might have had a family to return to.

       She should have cheated on her. Then, at least, she would have someplace to go.



Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mackenzie Pierce Assfucked And Jizzed - 24 min


Thursday, January 21, 2010


I am completely in love with Christine Kessler’s work. She’s brilliant. Besides any job that allows you stare at gorgeous girls with rad hair is perfectly fine with me.

Perry Gallagher is another fantastic photographer if you’re looking for the same genre.

… but of course, it wouldn’t be right to not mention my FAVORITE photographer ever, Peter Kim. It’s not even me trying to suck up, he’s the most talented photographer I’ve ever had the opportunity to meet in person. It’s sickening how good he is.

Hell, I would just like to take some nice shots with my kodak disposable, is that so much to ask!?


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Learn-Along 1: Loom Knitting (wow!)

Who knew?

Who knew that loom knitting can make such gorgeous things! I can honestly say that I didn’t know. I just can’t seem to get the picture of the spool knitter out of my head – and before today I really never thought that loom knitting could produce anything besides rope trim, scarves and hats. I thought that everything had to be knit in the round and that your design choices were limited.

I was so wrong. Actually, I couldn’t be more wrong. And I am really glad that I decided to learn more about loom knitting.

So here is the story – loom knitting has been in existence for almost as long as people have been knitting. And according to, there were alot of things knit using this method – even in the Middle Ages – hats, bags, curtains, rugs… you name it. And it has gone by a lot of different names (maybe you know one of them?) like french knitting, frame knitting and knitting board.

And today, apparently there are whole lot of people going back to loom knitting again, and for good reason. According to Isela G. Phelps (in an article for, loom knitting (or no needle knitting) has many advantages over regular needle knitting in that it is easier for people with arthritis or hand mobility issues to knit this way, and it is a simpler way for new knitters to get a feel for knitting. (I like the idea that if you use a knitting board, you end up with a double thick fabric with no wrong sides, but the other reasons for loom knitting sound good to me too.) Anyone, of any age, (and pretty much anywhere) can loom knit – what could be better?

Knitting looms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and gauges. You can still get those old-fashioned spool knitters of our youth (or at least my youth) and then of course, but loom knitting is also made of 3 other types of looms: the round loom (which co-inci-acci-dentally can also be square or triangle or oval or any old shape really), the rake (which is just like the round loom except the pegs are aligned in one single row) and the knitting board (it looks like two rakes attached together, but is the only loom that can make a double knit fabric with no wrong sides).

Tomorrow, hopefully, I will talk less and share more about the patterns that we can try on this learn along and just how to get your own loom (and how I will get my own loom too). That, and we also have to decide what loom to use… do you have any thoughts? Which one strikes your creativity most?


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Welcomed Distraction

I have to admit that it isn’t just the men in Seattle that can make dating and getting laid difficult. I bare responsibility for that too. I carry baggage with me from a relationship that is longer and more twisted than anyone knows. It refuses to die and tears me apart several times a year. It’s over for sure but Mr. X, my Ex, pops into and out of my life several times a year. Each time he promises trips and says the sweetest things. Then without warning he becomes cold and disappears – most of the time without taking me anywhere or saying anything. I’m devastated all over again, every time. After three years apart, I thought I wouldn’t care and could just use him for a trip here or there. The sad part is that I care if he doesn’t call. For the past three years he’s been in the background of my life talking to me while I start each relationship. When the relationship gets to a certain point, I have to tell Mr. X and we part ways. He eventually pops up when my Seattle relationship ends and the cycle starts over. I’ve been single for a while so he’s been a constant as of late. He calls regularly, sends lots of texts and wants to plan a trip together. It was too perfect to last. I can’t get him to set a date for the trip, work keeps getting in the way of any conversation and I’ve become the emotional psycho he turned me into 6 years ago. He’s taken away the place where I felt whole and complete just being single, love my friends and my time alone. The last week I’ve felt more like the Seattle sky – dull and gray, where objects in the distance are mere shadows of their whole.

Thank goodness for good friends who tell me to move on and pour cement over the grave our corpse of a relationship has become. “It’s toxic”, they say. “You deserve better”, they say. All of which I know or hope I know deep in my bones. I love them for helping me through this again.

Mr. 60 Minutes proved was the perfect distraction last night as well. I couldn’t have planned it better. Just when I had wasted an entire day waiting for Mr. X to call, Mr. 60 Minutes texts excited to see me.A night of late night partying didn’t affect his performance in the least. I was the one who underperformed, done in 60 seconds. Yikes. With so much on my mind, I worried that I wouldn’t be able to climax! “It’s a good thing you like to go more than once,” he said, “otherwise I might have been a little disappointed.” I wouldn’t have blamed him. Round two was incredibly intense for me. My mind wouldn’t shut off and my emotions were bubbling to the surface. Riding him hit the spot that forced all thoughts from my mind.

Chatting afterward he remarked that it’s nice when you find a ‘fit’. It’s true. Physical attraction doesn’t always mean great sex. I’ve experienced that. Sometimes you just don’t fit physically, or the rhythm is off, or he likes it slow and sweet and you like it fast and hard. We fit. It’s great; especially because with such a good fit we don’t have to think too much. Nothing kills an orgasm like the brain! Mr. 60 Minutes is a welcomed distraction any time, especially until I pour cement over Mr. X.

Chasing Seattle


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Is it only sex?

Tera Patrick, the successful adult entertainment star, is signing copies of her autobiography “Sinner Takes All” at Booksoup on the Sunset strip .

I’m totally tempted to make lots of trite comments about her literary ability…but I gotta resist. In the spirit of American-ness- fair play to her. She worked hard to get where she is. Is she going to hell? Is she a wanton temptress? Or is she a victim? God only knows. The adult entertainment industry has victims and addicts of all sorts on either side of the fence. However, unfortunately, most women in the industry probably come off worse than the men who control it.  The directors and producers rake in big bucks while many chicks only get a couple hundred bucks a bang. And there ain’t no Screen Actors Guild to look after them. The woman, at once lauded for their beauty, are also objectified and demeaned. I think it is strange that the leaders of the free world-the USA- doesn’t regulate the industry a bit better. It’s never going to go away and there are arguments for it under freedom of speech but people involved need protection. The number of ladies who emerge from the industry as authors who have signings at Booksoup is small. There’s organizations like GirlsAgaistPorn who are concerned about this if you are interested.

As it happens, and as it can only happen in West Hollywood, there is  a nice couple who live in my apartment block. She is very quite and nice. She is also an ex-adult entertainment star. She is quite well known. Apparently you can buy a kind of action doll of her in the Hustler shop on Sunset. She now blogs to her fans AND writes books and poetry. The theme of some of her writing is to make girls think twice before getting involved in the industry. All power to her.

LA is definitely a big boys play ground. If you want to get into trouble you can. It was less than a mile away from my apartment on Sunset that Hugh Grant got arrested with Desiree. (Apparently the police had turned a blind eye on many occasions but he was taking the piss and they had to book him) And down on Santa Monica blvd the trannies hang out and dream that Mister Edward Murphy’s limo will pull up on their block.

I hear he is very good at golf.

The guy in my block, who kinda pisses me off a bit, is the music producer. He’s in his early fifties. He lives alone. He likes to party. One afternoon while I was in my study I heard a car pull up in the parking space below it. There was laughter and giggling. I spied out of my window and he was with two Russian girls. They were thirty years younger than him. “Lets go party,” he said. “You pay first. We party after,” the savviest of the girls said. I was kind of amazed. This was first class eavesdropping. It certainly beats my curtain twitching in Edinburgh where the most exciting thing my neighbors did was forget to pick up their doggie poop. I told my wife about this later. She barely blinked. She said something like, “Welcome to Hollywood”.
